Friday, May 10, 2013

My flat and work week #1

Time is going to fly! I can't believe I've already finished my first week of work, granted it was a short week, due to the swiss holiday, but still!

Work is great so far. I can't wait to get underway with our training and projects. Our team space is incredible and is going to bring a whole new meaning to collaborative workspace for me. New bonus I learned about work - we have a tea lady who comes everyday at 9 and 3 to break up meetings and bring amazing tea/coffee. We should really look into this for the US. Only struggle so far, a French keyboard. The US 'y' and 'z' are switched and many of the symbols and punctuation. Needless to say, my habit of overusing exclamation points is going to decrease drastically (probably a good thing).

my "new" keyboard

view from my outside my new workspace

This week at work we met a number of people, including our new immediate team...9 women! We're already becoming fast friends with picnics, Geneva trips and other outings. A few of us even have a trip to Florence planned for next weekend.  I'm really looking forward to spending the next 8 months of my life with these intelligent women.

new friends and a picnic at sunset

My apartment - This has been an adjustment, but a great learning experience. I'm a 10 minute walk to work, but have an amazing view! Definitely a change from my downtown STL loft but I feel very fortunate to have a sizable flat, with plenty of space for me and my very own balcony. I envision many coffee mornings out here.

view from my balcony (ignore the crane)

Here are some quick shots of the rest of my place. I will become very educated for one of two reasons: 1. My only English speaking channels are BBC and CNN or 2. because I'll learn French and be able to watch the other channels.

As you can see I have some amazing future nieces who have sent me the most amazing wall art. It needs some fresh flowers and a splash of color here and there but overall, home sweet home for the next 8 months and it's going to be great!

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